26th of May, 2020
I've added redundancy to the computers I run.
It's simple, really. I just duct-tape two hard drives together so when one fails I can just quickly swap the cables from the broken one to the spare. No rummaging required.
I don't know why no one else has thought of this.
26th of May, 2020
So I think I have found a way of making money.
It's called “Email Go Fast” and it lets people take their email with them, wherever they go.
They register their email details with us (and their credit card details, of course), and we download their emails, print them out and send them to the customer by post.
We also have a premium service where we send the print-outs by courier so the customers get their emails faster, and so they can get them multiple times per day.
When they sign up, we also give each customer a free pen to help them write their replies.
I can't see how this can not be a winner.